Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help Them

I just saw a commercial on Bravo that really touched me.

It was a montage of different shots of wildlife in danger of extinction. This montage was set to Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting."

I don't think that's what he had in mind when he wrote that song. And I don't think the commercial is supposed to make me laugh.


bobbiburns said...

I'm assuming they didn't use the middle part of the song where The Marx laments about surviving the romance.

"Should've Known Better" would have been the better choice.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Sarah... if you read Richard Marx's Autobiography, "On Richard Marx....Get Set.....GO!" you would know that 'Right Here Waiting' was originally written about a pair of rare pygmy spider monkeys that he was having smuggled illegally into the US as as a birthday gift for his daughter. If you're gonna blog, you'd best do a little research before you get online and start spewing vicious Richard Marx lies...and making a TOTAL fool of yourself in front of the entire world.

Joe said...

Because of the global economic slowdown, donations to the World Wildlife Federation were down 27% year over year in 2007. Richard Marx only requires a Tier 3 payout in royalties. Habitat for Humanity recently signed Clay Aiken to a 1 year deal; and Bobby Browns "Dont Be Cruel" will be picked up regionally by the Northeast Division of the Humane Society. Its all a simple matter of economics. Times are bad.