Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I'm gonna start carrying around rocks with me so I can hurl them through the rear windows of the cars of asshole drivers.

Today I saw a guy turning left from the center lane on a red light, then flipped off the people who were trying to go straight on their green light. Wouldn't it just blow his mind if a rock came barrelling through his back window?? It would be totally justified.

That settles it. I shall now become the dark angel of jerk drivers. I'm really excited about this.


freddie said...

Oh man! I'm excited too!

fred said...

I remember when I was a kid, shards of porcilin (sp?) thrown at windshileds and such (not even that hard mind you) would cause them to shatter, but not an explosive shatter, just the spiderwebby kind. Enough to be desturctive, but not messy (ah, the good ole ghetto days :))