Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hermit the Freak

The guy that lives in the apartment below me is SO WEIRD!

Every time I walk by his door I hear the oddest sounds: a cat mewing at the top of its little cat lungs, big band music, and what has to be a Dot Matrix printer.

I've lived here for over a year, and I've seen him once... when he was out front walking his cat on a leash. That experience must have been particularly scary, because I haven't seen him since.

Other proof he lives here include the multitude of packages he receives daily and the landlord relaying a complaint of noise when we had THREE people over. That, a party does not make. And they were gone by 9:30pm. What a tool.

I'm not quite sure why he's not living with his mother. I'd slip a note under his door to suggest it, but I don't want him to go into a seizure over the threat of communicating with a human.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.....Sarah? ARe you there? You haven't submitted any new 'musings' in like 3 weeks so i'm starting to get worried. Did this Hermit neighbor take offense, and abduct you into his Cat Lair? If you can read this, just hit "REPLY" and mash the keyboard with whatever free limb you're able to use. I'll understand and come runnin! Just STAY ALIVE....I WILL FIND YOU!!!!