Monday, December 10, 2007

So close!

Sometimes this business of show really drives me nuts.

Last Wednesday I had two callbacks for commercials, one for ComEd and the other for Donato's Pizza. I walked out feeling like I rocked them both. Sure enough, I got a call from my agents checking my availability for both commercials... both shooting on the same day. Son of a bitch. But I remained optimistic. I mean, out of two I'm going to book one, right? Wrong.

I was released from both. Normally I don't like to broadcast my disappointments, but this was a new one. I guess there's something to be said for getting as far as I did, that side of it doesn't escape me. I mean, of all the people that auditioned I was seriously considered for both. But it's almost more frustrating to be that close and have it taken away.

So, I have decided to boycott pizza and electricity. I encourage you all to do the same.


Anonymous said...


Well, I'm sitting in the dark in protest for you. Thank goodness I have this computer and internet that works on solar power.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I just opened this place called "Electric Pizza". I was going to invite you but now...

Anonymous said...

my tombstone pizza tastes funny.