Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cinematic Horror

When I'm a famous movie star...

I hope I never have to do a scene where I accidentally walk in on a potential love interest coming out of the shower, or something equally staged, to show off his rock hard abs. "But he's my friend, just my friend! Who knew he had rock hard abs? Hmmm.... maybe we should get married! Do you think he can hear my heart pounding through the bathroom door I just quickly slammed shut and am now leaning against?" I don't think I could seriously pull off the requisite surprised, then embarrassed, then thoughtful look that follows such an encounter. Any smart actress that swallows her pride and comes off accessible and believable in that dreck deserves two Oscars.

I also hope I'm never handed a script that relies on the protagonist singing karaoke to show her straight-laced character loosening up. Gag. You know how it goes: she does so reluctantly at first, but then by the end of the song her shirt is open and she's rocking out with a fabulous voice. The song that's been chosen for her by her "crazy" friend that secretly signed her up is probably "I Will Survive" or "Lady Marmalade."

But honestly, I'm not above singing cliche karaoke songs in the flesh. I just wish I'd been the first one in a film to do it. Let's go sing karaoke! Who's with me?


bobbiburns said...

After seeing a 400 pound man in a t-shirt with howling wolves on it sing "I touch myself," I swore off karaoke. Talk about your cinematic horrors.

Anonymous said...

You sing Karaoke? Really!? I always thought you were so uptight and too straight-laced to ever do something that impulsive. Maybe I was wrong about you.....wrong about everything. We should totally go out. I just need to jump in the shower first since I just got back from the gym. You can wait outside the door. Oh, could you hand me that towel?

Anonymous said...

That made me laugh out loud. You know, like the LOL thing the kids use!

-jason chin