Thursday, September 15, 2011

It Boils Down To This

There are two types of people: those who return the shopping cart to the cart corral, and those who don't.

I know everyone thinks they are complex and unique. I'm not saying we're not. We're very special, each of us a precious jewel in a pile of crap. I am saying the choice that is made in this scenario determines if you contribute to society, or if you expect other people to pick up your slack. Whether you're industrious or lazy. Humble or narcissistic. Which one are you? You don't have to tell me. Just start returning the cart to the corral, precious jewel.

1 comment:

bell said...

Good to have you back, Sarah. I can once again turn to a blog that deals with the ISSUES that affect me. Anyway, yeah, I have a unique hatred for people that don't turn in their carts. I've even gone as far as picked mine up and carried it back to the corral after the "Proximity Wheel Lock" mechanism kicked in. Am I a hero? In a word......yes.