Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh boy...

Few things make me happier than watching the 20-something paralegals and CPAs of our fair city attempt to do the cardio hip hop class at my gym. It's priceless. Sexy faces and awkward bodies. Hilarious.

Just to clarify: I'm not in the hip hop class. I'm on the outside of the glass waiting for my cardio kickboxing class to start, so some other cynical chick can judge me. And believe me, there's plenty to judge. You should really see me pretending to kick ass. I believe my own hype!


Anonymous said...

I wish you would quit hatin', Sarah. I owe my robust physique to Hip-Hop Cardio. I used to jiggle- now I "Jiggy." Before I would Plop and Loaf on the couch, now I "Pop-N'-Lock" in da Club.. I used to wear an appetite suppressant patch... now I "Cabbage Patch." Not only is my body totally Slammin', but am totally qualified to "Serve" somebody if they start frontin'. Snap!

A.T. said...

Crackle. Pop.