Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have a blog! And I did it all on my very own. I didn’t nag my friends with questions, I figured it out for myself! Generally, I'm terrified by computers and websites and all that hullabaloo, but who knew? I’m a technical wizard!

Yeah, I’m going to be honest, this whole ordeal took about 3 hours, so I’m gonna cash in my chips. But before I go, I’d like to give a shout-out to the lovely Jessica Joy, who said, “I can't wait to read your blog obsessively and look to see if I'm mentioned. Which, let's face it, is why we read blogs. Stalking!” She's right.

So, thank you to you folks who have provided me hours (perhaps days) of entertainment with your shameless chronicling. I salute you, and humbly join the ranks.


J.Joy said...

Yay! First comment! I'm not going to say anything relevant!


Rica said...

I like polka dots!

make it happen said...

i like looking at you! ha - creepy.

Banker said...

Who knew your name would birth a concept?